本文件(“ 资料保障政策”)的目的是告知您新加坡银行有限公司和Bank of Singapore Nominees Pte Ltd根据《新加坡个人资料保护法》(2012年第26号法令)(“《个人资料保护法》”)管理个人资料(定义见下文)的方式。请抽空阅读本资料保障政策,以便您知悉并了解我们收集、使用和披露您个人资料的目的。.
通过与我们往来、向我们提交资料,或注册订阅我们提供的任何产品或服务,您同意并允许新加坡银行有限公司和 Bank of Singapore Nominees Pte Ltd (包括其关联公司和海外分行与办事处)(统称为“公司”)及其各自的代表及/或代理人(“代表”)(公司和代表在本文件中统称为“新加坡银行”、“我们”、“本行”或“我们的”)收集、使用、披露和分享您的个人资料,且同意并允许以本资料保障政策所载方式向公司授权服务提供方及相关第三方披露该等个人资料。
本资料保障政策补充但不排除或取代您先前同意提供给新加坡银行的与您相关的个人资料,且您在本文件作出的同意是为任何公司在法律 上收集、使用或披露您个人资料的任何权利的补充。
我们的网站和平台使用cookie和其他技术。 Cookies是当您访问我们的网站和平台时存储在您的计算机或其他电子设备中的小型文本文件,用以保存记录。 Cookie会存储在浏览器的文件目录中,在您下次访问网站或平台时,浏览器将读取Cookie并将信息转发回最初设置Cookie的网站、平台或元素。 根据cookie的类型,cookie可以存储用户喜好和其他信息。
网络信标(也称为像素标签和透明GIF)所涉及的图形对用户而言并不明显。 跟踪链接和/或类似的技术由几行编程代码组成,可以嵌入我们的网站或平台中。网络信标通常与Cookie结合使用,并且主要用于统计分析目的。 该技术还可以用于跟踪网站和平台上的流量模式,以及确定是否已接收和打开电子邮件以及查看是否有任何响应。
我们使用的某些cookie来自第三方公司,以向我们提供有关网站和平台的网络分析和情报。 这些公司会收集有关您与我们网站和平台互动的信息。 我们使用这些信息来收集有关与网站、平台和其他华侨银行在线内容进行交互的访问者的统计信息,以评估我们的交流效果,并为访问者提供更多相关信息。
如果您不同意使用cookie,则可以调整浏览器设置。 除非您已调整浏览器设置以阻止cookies,否则,即使您先前删除了cookies,我们的系统也会在您访问我们的网站或单击我们发送给您的定向电子邮件中的链接时发布cookies。
Cookies的管理方式取决于您的浏览器。 以下链接提供有关如何在每个浏览器中配置或禁用cookie的信息:
如果您不同意我们使用本资料保护政策中所述的cookies和其他技术,则应通过相应地更改浏览器上的设置来删除或禁用与我们的网站和平台关联的cookies。 但是,您可能无法进入我们网站或平台的某些部分。 这也可能会影响您在我们的网站或平台上的用户体验。
电邮: | dpo@bankofsingapore.com |
电话号码: | +65 6559 8000 |
邮寄地址: | 资料保护专员新加坡银行有限公司 63 号马吉街 #22-00 新加坡银行中心 新加坡048942 |
i. 考虑及评估客户有关本行产品及服务的申请;
ii. 提供给资料主体的服务(包括但不限于处理银行业务及/或其他金融服务和融资的申请,以及更新、比较及/或核实本银行集团任何成员可能持有的客户资料)及信贷融资的日常运作;
iii. 在适当的情况下(包括申请信贷或银行融资时以及通常每年进行一次或多次的定期或专项审查时),为管理法律、监管、信用和操作的风险,进行信用检查;
iv. 建立并维护本行的信用评分和风险相关模型;
v. 协助在香港特别行政区获准加入多家个人信贷资料服务机构模式的信贷提供者(下称信贷提供者)向资料主体提供服务、开展资信调查或债务催收;
vi. 确保资料主体的持续信用度和良好信誉;
vii. 为资料主体使用目的而开展调查、设计金融产品与服务(包括信用卡、银行、证券、信托和投资服务或相关产品);
viii. 营销服务、产品及其他主题(详见下文第(k)段);
ix. 确定亏欠资料主体的金额或资料主体亏欠的金额;
x. 强制执行本行的权利,包括但不限于从资料主体收取未付款项及根据以本行为受益人的担保文件行使本行的权利;
1. 现时及将来在中国香港特别行政区(下称香港)内外对其具有约束力或对其适用的任何法律(例如:《香港税务条例》及其条文,包括有关自动交换金融账户信息的条文);
2. 现时及将来由香港特别行政区境内外的任何法律、监管、政府、税务、执法或其他当局,或金融服务提供者的自律或行业机构或协会,所发出或颁布的任何指引或指南(例如:香港特别行政区税务局所发出或颁布的指引、指南或要求,包括有关金融账户信息自动交换的指引、指南或要求),以及任何国际指南、内部政策或程序;
3. 与当地或外国的法律、监管、政府、税务、执法或其他当局或金融服务提供者的自律或行业机构或协会(下称当局)达成的由本银行集团任何成员承担的或对本银行集团任何成员施加的或适用于本银行集团任何成员的任何现时或将来的合同承诺或其他承诺;及
4. 当局之间的任何协议或条约;
xii. 遵守任何义务、要求、政策、程序、措施或安排,以便在本银行集团内部共享资料和信息及/或根据集团范围内为了遵守制裁或预防或侦查洗钱、恐怖融资或其他非法活动而制定的任何方案对资料和信息进行任何其他使用;
xiii. 采取任何行动以履行本行或本银行集团任何成员的义务,以遵守与下列各项有关的法律、国际指南或监管要求:侦查、调查及防止洗钱、恐怖融资、贿赂、贪污、逃税、欺诈、逃避经济或贸易制裁及/或规避或违反或企图规避或违反与该等事项有关的任何法律;
xiv. 履行本行或本银行集团任何成员的义务,以遵守当局的任何规定或要求;
xv. 使本行的实际或拟议受让人或本行有关某一资料主体的权利、责任或义务的参与方、次参与方或受让方能够评估拟转让、参与、次参与或转让的交易,并使实际受让人能够在被转让的业务或权利的经营中使用某一资料主体的资料;及\
e. 本行持有的与某一资料主体有关的资料将予以保密,但本行或本银行集团任何成员可为上文第(d)段所述之目的向下列各方(不论在香港境内或境外)提供该等资料,但向另一人士转让资料以供其直接进行营销时,须遵守以下第(k)段的规定:
i. 向本行提供与其业务营运有关的或与某资料主体账户有关的行政、电讯、电脑、支付或证券结算或其他服务的本银行集团之任何代理人、供应商、承包商、分包商、联属公司(包括其雇员、管理人员、代理人、承包商及专业顾问)或第三方服务提供者;
ii. 任何当局;
iii. 对本行负有保密义务(无论是明示或默示承诺)的任何其他人士,包括已承诺对该等资料保密的本银行集团任何其他成员;
iv. 向出票人提供付款支票复印件(可能记载收款人信息)的付款银行;
v. 客户因申请本行产品及服务而选择接触的第三方服务提供者(如有);
vi. 信贷资料服务机构(包括信贷资料服务机构所使用的任何中央资料库之经营者) ,以及(如发生违约)债务催收机构;
vii. 代表贵方行事且资料已提供的任何人士、收款人、受益人、账户指定人、中间行、往来行及代理行、清算所、清算或结算系统、市场交易对手、上游扣缴义务人、掉期或交易信息库、证券交易所、贵方拥有证券权益的公司(如该等证券由本行或本银行集团任何成员持有)或向客户账户支付任何款项的任何人士;
ix. 根据对本银行集团任何成员具有约束力或适用于本银行集团任何成员的任何法律的要求,本银行集团任何成员有义务或以其他方式被要求向其披露的任何人士,或为本银行集团任何成员所应遵守的任何法律、监管、政府、税务、执法或其他当局或金融服务提供者的自律或行业机构或协会发出或颁布的任何指引或指南之目的,或根据本银行集团任何成员与本地或外国的法律、监管、政府、税务、执法或其他当局或金融服务提供者的自律或行业机构或协会订立的任何合同或其他承诺所进行的任何披露(所有该等人士可以存在于香港特别行政区境内外,也可以存在于当前和未来);
x. 对本银行集团任何成员或对资料主体实施的任何交易或为资料主体的账户实施的任何交易具有管辖权的任何政府机构、交易所、市场或其他当局或监管机构;
xi. 根据在香港特别行政区或其他地方提起的破产、清盘或资不抵债程序就资料主体、资料主体的资产、为资料主体的责任和义务提供担保或以担保人身份行事的任何担保提供者或担保提供者的资产或担保人的资产指定的任何清算人、接管人、破产管理人、司法管理人、破产受托人、托管人或其他类似官员;
xii. 资料主体已与之发生交易或计划与之发生交易的任何金融机构和收单公司;
xiii. 就(1)资料主体或(2)为资料主体的责任和义务提供担保或以担保人身份行事的担保提供者而言,本行的任何实际受让人或拟议受让人,或本行权利、责任或义务的参与者或次参与者或受让人;及
xiv. (1)本银行集团的任何其他成员(鉴于资料主体的账户可以在新加坡的本行总部开立和持有,资料主体的关系经理可以常驻新加坡或任何其他司法管辖区,本行可能已将与资料主体的账户或交易的管理相关的某些职能外包给本银行集团的任何其他成员,或出于管理或其他目的);(2)本银行集团任何成员的审计师和专业顾问;(3)第三方金融机构、保险公司、信用卡公司、证券和投资服务提供者,包括但不限于与向资料主体提供的任何服务或由资料主体实施的或为资料主体的账户实施的任何交易相关的任何交易对手、经纪商、资产管理人、代理人、托管人、清算所、存管人或存管代理人,或共同基金或私募基金的经理、管理人或托管人;(4)第三方奖励、忠诚、联合品牌和优待计划提供者;(5)本银行集团任何成员的联合品牌合作伙伴(该联合品牌合作伙伴的名称可在相关服务和产品(视情况而定)的申请表中找到);(6)本行为上述第(d)(vx)段所述目的所聘请的外部服务提供者(包括但不限于邮政、电信公司、电话营销及直销代理人、活动管理公司、呼叫中心、资料处理公司和信息技术公司);及(7)收款人、清算所、结算系统、市场交易对手、互换或交易信息库、证券交易所、资料主体在其中拥有证券权益的公司(如该证券由本银行集团为资料主体持有),或为提供服务而代表资料主体行事的人。
f. 就资料主体(不论以借款人、抵押人或担保人身份,以及不论以单独名义还是与他人联名)申请的按揭资料而言,本行可向信贷资料服务机构(统称或各称信贷资料服务机构)提供与贵方相关的下列资料(包括任何有关下列资料的不时更新的资料):
i. 全称;
ii. 每项抵押的主体资格(作为借款人、抵押人或担保人,无论是以单独名义还是与他人联名);
iii. 香港身份证号码或旅行证件号码(个人)或公司注册证书号码;
iv. 出生日期(个人)或注册成立日期;
v. 通讯地址;
vi. 每项抵押的抵押账号;
vii. 与每项抵押有关的融资类型;
viii. 每项抵押的抵押账户状态(例如:有效、已关闭、注销(因破产命令导致的除外)、因破产命令导致的注销);及
ix. 如有,每项抵押的抵押账户关闭日,(合称抵押账户一般资料)。
g. 贵方可指示本行向相关信贷资料服务机构提出申请,要求从其资料库中删除与经全额还款而终止的任何信贷相关的任何账户资料,但前提是:根据本行记录,在该等终止前的五(5)年内,该等信贷下的付款未发生超过六十(60)天的违约。
h. 如果存在任何付款违约,除非违约款项在违约之日起六十(60)天届满前被全额偿还或注销(因破产命令导致的除外),否则贵方的账户还款资料可由相关信贷资料服务机构保存至违约款项最终结清之日起五(5)年期限届满之时。
i. 如果任何款项因针对贵方下达的破产令而被注销,则贵方的账户还款资料可保留至(i)违约款项最终结清之日起五(5)年期限届满之时,或(ii)贵方通知相关信贷资料服务机构贵方已解除破产(并同时提供证据)之日起五(5)年期限届满之时(以较早发生者为准)。
j. 为上文第(h)段和第(i)段之目的,账户还款资料包括最近到期金额、最近一次报告期间内支付的金额、剩余可用信贷或未偿余额和违约资料(即:逾期金额和逾期天数、逾期金额的结算日,以及实质性违约(即超过六十(60)天期限的付款违约)金额的最终结算日(如有))。抵押计数指某一资料主体(无论是作为借款人、抵押人还是保证人,无论是以该资料主体的单独名义还是与其他人联名)不时对在香港特别行政区的信贷提供者持有的抵押总数。
k. 资料在直接营销中的使用若资料主体为客户,则本行拟将资料主体的资料用于直接营销,为此目的,本行要求资料主体同意(包括表示不反对)。在这方面,请注意:
i. 本行可将其不时持有的资料主体名称、联络资料、产品与服务组合信息、交易模式与行为、财务背景和人口统计资料用于直接营销;
ii. 可营销下列类别的服务、产品和主题:
1. 财务、信用卡、银行、证券、信托、投资及相关的服务与产品;
2. 奖励、忠诚、优待计划及相关服务和产品;
3. 本银行集团任何成员联合品牌合作伙伴提供的服务和产品(该等联合品牌合作伙伴的名单可在相关服务和产品(视情况而定)申请表中查询);及
4. 出于慈善及/或非营利目的的捐赠;
iii. 上述服务、产品及主题可由本行及/或下列机构提供或招揽:
1. 本银行集团的任何其他成员;
2. 第三方金融机构、保险公司、信用卡公司、证券及投资服务提供者; 品(视情况而定)申请表中查询);及
3. 第三方奖励、忠诚、联合品牌或优待计划提供者;
4. 本银行集团任何成员的联合品牌合作伙伴(该等联合品牌合作伙伴的名单可在相关服务和产品(视情况而定)申请表中查询);及
5. 慈善或非营利组织。
iv. 除本身营销上述服务、产品及主题外,本行亦拟将上述第(k)(i)段所述的资料提供予本银行集团的任何其他成员,以供其在营销上述服务、产品及主题时使用,为此目的,本行要求资料主体书面同意(包括表示不反对)。
m. 使用本行应用程序界面( API)向资料主体的第三方服务提供者转移个人资料
i. 本行可根据资料主体向本行或资料主体使用之第三方服务提供者所发出的指示,使用本行的API向第三方服务提供者转移资料主体的资料,以作本行或第三方服务提供者所通知资料主体的用途及/或资料主体根据《条例》所同意的用途。
ii. 根据《条例》的规定以及根据《条例》批准和颁布的《消费者信用资料操作守则》的规定,任何资料主体均有权:
1. 检查本行是否持有其资料及查阅该等资料的情况;
2. 要求本行更正与其相关的任何不准确的资料;
3. 确认本行有关资料的政策及实务,并知悉本行所持有的个人资料的种类;
4. 在消费者信用方面,要求知悉哪些资料定期向信贷资料服务机构或债务催收机构披露,并要求提供进一步信息以便能够向相关信贷资料服务机构或债务催收机构提出查阅和更正要求;及
5. 就本行已提供予信贷资料服务机构的任何账户资料(为免生疑问,包括任何账户还款资料)而言,在以全额偿还方式终止账户后,指示本行要求信贷资料服务机构从其资料库中删除该等账户资料,只要该等指示在终止后五(5)年内发出,且在账户终止前五(5)年内该等账户没有发生任何付款违约(持续时间超过六十(60)天)。账户还款资料包括最近到期金额、最近一次报告期间(即:不超过本行向信贷资料服务机构最后一次提供账户资料之前的三十一(31)天)内支付的金额、剩余可用信贷或未偿余额和违约资料(即:逾期金额和逾期天数、逾期金额的结算日,以及超过六十(60)天期限的违约金额的最终结算日(如有))。
n. 根据《条例》的规定,本行有权就处理任何查阅资料的要求收取合理的费用。
o. 可向下列人士要求查阅资料或更正资料或索取关于政策和惯例以及所持有的资料种类的信息:
香港电话:+852 2846 3800
传真:+852 2295 3332
p. 在审议信贷申请时,本行可能已经从信贷资料服务机构收到关于该资料主体的信用报告。如果资料主体希望获取该信用报告,则本行将会告知相关信贷资料服务机构的联系方式。
q. 本声明书的任何内容均不限制资料主体在《条例》项下的权利。获取该信用报告,则本行将会告知相关信贷资料服务机构的联系方式。
r. 使用的专门术语应具有以下含义:
本银行集团指本行总行、母行及其附属机构和联属机构的合称和单称,“本银行集团任何成员” 具有相同含义;及
新加坡银行有限公司(地址:63 Market Street, #22-00 Bank of Singapore Centre, Singapore 048942)和新加坡银行有限公司(迪拜国际金融中心分行,地址:Office 30-32, Level 28, Central Park Tower, Dubai International Financial Centre)、新加坡银行有限公司香港分行(地址:香港中环港景街1号国际金融中心1期34和35楼)(统称为“本行”),以及新加坡银行信托有限公司(地址:63 Market Street #14-00 Bank of Singapore Centre Singapore 048942)(“受托人”)。
我们会处理以下信息: |
出于以下目的: |
基于以下理由: |
姓名、身份证号码、国籍、护照信息、纳税信息、出生日期、出生地点、居住地址、营业地址、职业、签名、工作经历、教育背景、详细财务信息、犯罪记录 |
为了协助我们的开户流程、我们的信托和其他实体的设立流程、我们的客户尽职调查流程和我们的供应商尽职调查流程,以及防止欺诈和滥用我们的服务。 |
为了履行我们的合同、遵守法规要求、在管理我们的行政和业务运营时保障我们的合法权益(见下文), 以及遵守内部政策和程序。 |
财务和交易(例如,有关您在本行的帐户的详细信息以及账户的往来收付款) |
为了使我们能够处理您的交易。履行我们的监管报告流程并协助欺诈案件的处理和报告(必要时) |
为了履行我们的合同并遵守我们的监管要求,以及保障我们的合法利益(见下文)。 |
电话通话 |
监督受监管的活动、培训和发展 |
遵守我们的法规要求并保障我们的合法利益(见下文),以提高我们的服务质量。 |
任何投诉的详情 |
协助投诉处理和举报 |
遵守我们的法规要求 |
邮寄地址: Data Protection Officer, Bank of Singapore Limited, 63 Market Street, #22-00 Bank of Singapore Centre, Singapore 048942.
邮寄地址: Data Protection Officer, Bank of Singapore Limited, 63 Market Street, #22-00 Bank of Singapore Centre, Singapore 048942.
电话: +44 0303 123 1113
网站: www.ico.org.uk
网页表单: www.ico.org.uk/concerns/
地址: Water Lane, Wycliffe House, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
a. 您的居住国/地区,
b. 您工作的国家/地区;或
c. 侵权发生的国家/地区。
此处提供了欧盟信息保护监管机构的列表: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/article-29/structure/data-protection-authorities/index_en.htm
邮寄地址: Data Protection Officer, Bank of Singapore Limited, 63 Market Street,#22-00 Bank of Singapore Centre, Singapore 048942.
18th Oct 2019
为了满足客户的期望并改善我们网站提供的服务,新加坡银行有限公司(地址:63 Market Street, #22-00 Bank of Singapore Centre, Singapore 048942)可能会使用cookies。若您想进一步了解cookies、我们如何使用cookies以及您有何选择,您可以继续阅读本声明。
Cookie名称 |
类别 |
目的 |
第一/第三方 |
绝对必要的cookies |
这对于与应用程序服务器保持客户端会话粘性是必需的 |
第一方 |
绝对必要的cookies |
用于跟踪和验证用户登录 |
第一方 |
AMCV_###@AdobeOrg |
功能和效果cookies |
我们的分析软件Adobe Analytics使用此cookie来识别独特的访问者。 |
第一和第三方 |
gpv |
功能和效果cookies |
该cookie能够存储您访问网站时查看的页面数量 |
第一和第三方 |
s_cc |
功能和效果cookies |
该cookie使Adobe Analytics能够确定您的浏览器是否启用了cookies。 |
第一和第三方 |
s_ppv |
功能和效果cookies |
存储有关页面显示百分比的信息 |
第一和第三方 |
s_ppvl |
功能和效果cookies |
存储有关向您显示的页面百分比的信息 |
第一和第三方 |
s_sq |
功能和效果cookies |
启用ClickMap功能和Activity Map功能后,此cookie会由JavaScript代码设置和读取; 它包含有关您在网站上单击的先前链接的信息。 |
第一方 |
_ga |
功能和效果cookies |
由Google Analytics确定不同会话中的两个不同的点击属于同一用户 |
第一和第三方 |
_gat |
功能和效果cookies |
由Google Analytics衡量用户在网页之间的浏览过程中用户与网站内容的交互方式 |
第三方 |
_gid |
功能和效果cookies |
为Google Analytics储存和更新每一个访问页面的唯一值。 |
第三方 |
要了解有关cookie以及如何管理或删除它们的更多信息,您可访问allaboutcookies.org和浏览器的“帮助”部分。在Internet Explorer、Safari、Firefox或Chrome等浏览器的设置中,您可以设置接受和拒绝哪些Cookie。这些设置位于何处取决于您使用的浏览器–使用浏览器中的“帮助”功能可以找到所需的设置。您还可以在以下位置找到有关cookies的有用信息:http://www.youronlinechoices.eu 和http://www.international-chamber.co.uk/our-expertise/digitaleconomy.
若您对此cookie声明有任何疑问、建议或意见,请发送电邮至dpo@bankofsingapore.com。我们的Cookie声明也可能会不时进行修改,因此请定期访问此页面以了解最新信息。BOS Wealth Management Europe S.A. (BOSWME) is committed to ensure that personal data is handled with responsibility, transparently and securely under the Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (UK).
BOSWME may act as either a controller or processor. The personal data we collect from data subjects (e.g., website users, clients or recruitees) and from different providers is used to facilitate compliance with applicable rules and regulations, and to ensure that our services comply with the highest business standards.
We provide each data subject with a Data Privacy Notice that explains the purposes for which personal data is collected and used, how the data is used and disclosed, how long it is kept, the controller's legal basis for processing and the contact details for its Data Protection Officer.
If you wish to exercise your data protection rights, please send us a written request by either:
UK branch - BOS Wealth Management S.A., UK Branch, Data Protection Officer, 62 Queen Street, The Rex Building, 3rd floor, London EC4R 1EB, United Kingdom.
The BOSWME Data Protection Policy is implemented as a statement that sets out how our firm protects personal data. It is a set of principles, rules and guidelines that informs how BOSWME will ensure ongoing compliance with data protection laws.
The BOSWME Website Privacy Policy is a document for users about how we collect and handle their personal data, who BOSWME shares it with, and any other relevant details.
BOSWME Website Privacy Policy
This Cookie Declaration aims to inform users about our use of cookies, what types of cookies are used, and why. We are committed to full transparency regarding user privacy while using our website. In the statements of this document, users will find all the essential information to ensure data protection and transparency.
BOSWME is committed to protecting the privacy of all job applicants by ensuring the highest level of security for personal data. This Recruitment Privacy Notice details what personal data we collect, how we handle such data and how we protect it. Also, the documents provides information about the data subject’s rights.
The purpose of this document ('Data Protection Policy') is to inform you of how Bank of Singapore Limited, DIFC branch ('BOS DIFC') manages Personal Data (as defined below) which is subject to the Dubai International Financial Centre ('DIFC') Data Protection Law (DIFC Law No. 5 of 2020) (the 'Law'). Please take a moment to read this Data Protection Policy so that you know and understand the purposes for which we collect, use and disclose your Personal Data.
By interacting with us, submitting information to us, or signing up for any products or services offered by us, you acknowledge that BOS DIFC(including its respective representatives and/or agents ("Representatives") (BOS DIFC and its Representatives collectively referred to herein as 'BOS DIFC', 'us', 'we' or 'our') may collect, use, disclose and share amongst themselves your Personal Data, and disclose such Personal Data to BOS DIFC’s authorised service providers and relevant third parties, including BOS DIFC’s related corporations, head office and overseas branches and offices and overseas branches and officers of BOS DIFC’s related corporations (the 'Companies' and each, a 'Company')in the manner set forth in this Data Protection Policy.
BOS DIFC may from time to time update this Data Protection Policy to ensure that this Data Protection Policy is consistent with our future developments, industry trends and/or any changes in legal or regulatory requirements. You acknowledge that you have reviewed and understood the terms of this Data Protection Policy as updated from time to time on our website http://www.bankofsingapore.com/Data-Protection-Policy.html. Please check back regularly for updated information on the handling of your Personal Data
In this Data Protection Policy, 'Personal Data' refers to any data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified (a) from that data; or (b) from that data and other information to which we have or are likely to have access, including data in our records as may be updated from time to time.
Examples of such Personal Data you may provide to us include (depending on the nature of your interaction with us) your name, national identity card, passport or other identification number, telephone number(s), mailing address, email address, transactional data and any other information relating to any individuals which you have provided us in any forms you may have submitted to us (including in the form of biometric data), or via other forms of interaction with you.
Generally, we collect Personal Data in the following ways:
When you browse our website and platforms, you generally do so anonymously but please see the section below on cookies. We do not, at our website and platforms, automatically collect Personal Data, including your email address unless you provide such information or login with your account credentials.
If you provide us with any Personal Data relating to a third party (for example, information of your spouse, children, parents, or a Connected Person), by submitting such information to us, you represent to us that you have obtained the consent of the third party to you providing us with his/her Personal Data for the respective purposes.
'Connected Person' may include but is not limited to any beneficial owner, authorised signatory, director, shareholder, officer of a company, partner or member of a partnership, settlor, trustee, beneficial owner, protector or grantor of trust, mandate holder, power of attorney holder, surety, third party security provider, provider of funds, founder and/or employee, payee of designated payment, representatives, agents or nominees.
You should ensure that all Personal Data submitted to us is complete, accurate, true and correct. Failure on your part to do so may result in our inability to provide you with products and services you have requested. You acknowledge that you should inform BOS DIFC immediately of any change of facts or circumstances which may render any information or Personal Data previously provided inaccurate, untrue or incorrect and provide any information or documentation as BOS DIFC may reasonably require for the purposes of verifying the accuracy of the updated information or Personal Data.
Generally, BOS DIFC collects, uses and discloses your Personal Data for the following purposes:
These purposes may also apply even if you do not maintain any account(s) with us, or have terminated these account(s) arranged by us.
In addition, BOS DIFC collects, uses and discloses your Personal Data for the following purposes depending on the nature of our relationship:
In addition, where permitted under the Law, BOS DIFC may also collect, use and disclose your Personal Data for the following purposes (which we may describe in our documents and agreements as "Additional Purposes" for the handling of Personal Data):
If you have provided your telephone number(s) you consent to receiving marketing or promotional information via your telephone number(s), then from time to time, BOS DIFC may contact you using such telephone number(s) (including via voice calls, text , fax or other means) with information about our products and services (including discounts and special offers). If you specifically instruct us in writing objecting to our use of personal data for direct marketing purposes we will stop using the data in such manner.
In relation to particular products or services or in your interactions with us, we may also have specifically notified you of other purposes for which we collect, use or disclose your Personal Data. If so, we will collect, use and disclose your Personal Data for these additional purposes as well, unless we have specifically notified you otherwise.
BOS DIFC will take reasonable steps to protect your Personal Data against unauthorised disclosure. Subject to the provisions of any applicable law, your Personal Data may be provided, for the purposes listed above (where applicable), to the following entities or parties, whether they are located overseas, including the United Arab Emirates outside the DIFC and Singapore, or in the DIFC:
Our websites and platforms use cookies and other technologies. Cookies are small text files stored in your computing or other electronic devices when you visit our website and platforms for record keeping purposes. Cookies are stored in your browser’s file directory, and the next time you visit the website or platform, your browser will read the cookie and relay the information back to the website, platform or element that originally set the cookie. Depending on the type of cookie it is, cookies may store user preferences and other information.
Web beacons (also known as pixel tags and clear GIFs) involve graphics that are not apparent to the user. Tracking links and/or similar technologies consist of a few lines of programming code and can be embedded in our websites or platforms. Web beacons are usually used in conjunction with cookies and primarily used for statistical analysis purposes. This technology can also be used for tracking traffic patterns on websites and platforms, as well as finding out if an e-mail has been received and opened and to see if there has been any response.
We may employ cookies and other technologies as follows:
Some cookies we use are from third party companies to provide us with web analytics and intelligence about our websites and platforms. These companies collect information about your interaction with our websites and platforms. We use such information to compile statistics about visitors who interact with the websites, platforms and other online content belonging to Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (“OCBC”), to gauge the effectiveness of our communications, and to provide more pertinent information to our visitors.
If you do not agree to such use of cookies, you can adjust your browser settings. Unless you have adjusted your browser settings to block cookies, our system will issue cookies as soon as you visit our site or click on a link in a targeted email that we have sent you, even if you have previously deleted our cookies.
The way which cookies can be managed depends on your browser. The following links provide information on how to configure or disable cookies in each browser:
If you do not agree to our use of cookies and other technologies as set out in this Data Protection Policy, you should delete or disable the cookies associated with our websites and platforms by changing the settings on your browser accordingly. However, you may not be able to enter certain part(s) of our websites or platforms. This may also impact your user experience while on our websites or platforms.
BOS DIFC will take appropriate efforts to protect Personal Data in our possession or our control by making appropriate security arrangements to prevent unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks. We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected data security breach and will notify you and the data protection regulator, the DIFC Commissioner of Data Protection (the "Commissioner") of a suspected breach where we are legally required to do so or we consider it appropriate to do so. Although we will implement appropriate measures to keep your data secure, we cannot completely guarantee the security of any Personal Data we may have collected from or about you, or that for example no harmful code will enter our website (for example viruses, bugs, trojan horses, spyware or adware). No communication over public internet can be guaranteed to be secure. You should be aware of the risks associated with using websites and the internet and take any necessary precautions.
While we strive to protect your Personal Data, we cannot ensure the security of the information you transmit to us via the Internet or other electronic communications or when you use our electronic services, and we urge you to take every precaution to protect your Personal Data when you transmit your Personal Data via the Internet or other electronic communications. We recommend that you change your passwords often, use a combination of letters and numbers, and ensure that you use a secure browser.
If applicable, you acknowledge that you should keep your username and password secure and confidential and should not disclose or permit it to be disclosed to any unauthorised person, and to inform us as soon as reasonably practicable if you know or suspect that someone else knows your username and password or believe the confidentiality of your username and password has been lost, stolen or compromised in any way or that actual or possible unauthorised transactions have taken place.
Our website may contain links to other websites operated by third parties. We do not control the privacy practices of websites operated by third parties that are linked to our website. We do not endorse or make any representations about third-party websites. We encourage you to learn about the privacy policies of such third party websites. Some of these third party websites may be co-branded with our logo or trademark, even though they are not operated or maintained by us. Once you have left our website, you should check the applicable privacy policy of the third party website to determine how they will handle any information they collect from you.
Under certain circumstances, you may exercise any of the following rights:
If you:
Email: | ae.difc.dpo@bankofsingapore.com |
Call: | +971 4 4277100 |
Write in: | Data Protection Officer Bank of Singapore Limited, DIFC Branch P O Box 4296, Dubai – UAE |
If you feel that we do not comply with the Law, you may lodge a complaint with the Commissioner.
We confirm that we will not discriminate against you if you exercise any of your rights under this Data Protection Policy.
Please note that if your Personal Data has been provided to us by a third party, we recommend that you contact that party directly to make any queries, feedback and requests to BOS DIFC on your behalf.
If you withdraw your consent to any or all use of your Personal Data, depending on the nature of your request, BOS DIFC may not be in a position to continue to provide its products or services to you, administer any contractual relationship in place, may also result in the termination of any agreements you have entered into with BOS DIFC, which could have adverse impacts on your financial situation.
The purpose of this document ('Data Protection Policy') is to inform you of how BOS Trustee Limited manages Personal Data (as defined below) which is subject to the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (No. 26 of 2012) (the Act). Please take a moment to read this Data Protection Policy so that you know and understand the purposes for which we collect, use and disclose your Personal Data.
By interacting with us, submitting information to us, or signing up for any Services (as defined in paragraph 2.1(a) below) offered by us, you agree and consent to BOS Trustee Limited (including its related corporations and business units) (collectively, the 'Companies'), as well as their respective representatives and/or agents ("Representatives") (the Companies and Representatives collectively referred to herein as 'BOSTL', 'us', "we" or 'our') collecting, using, disclosing and sharing amongst themselves your Personal Data, and disclosing such Personal Data to the Companies' authorised service providers and relevant third parties in the manner set forth in this Data Protection Policy.
This Data Protection Policy supplements but does not supersede nor replace any other consents you may have previously provided to BOSTL in respect of your Personal Data, and your consents herein are additional to any rights which to any of the Companies may have at law to collect, use or disclose your Personal Data.
BOSTL may from time to time update this Data Protection Policy to ensure that this Data Protection Policy is consistent with our future developments, industry trends and/or any changes in legal or regulatory requirements. Subject to your rights at law, you agree to be bound by the prevailing terms of the Data Protection Policy as updated from time to time on our website. Please check back regularly for updated information on the handling of your Personal Data.
In this Data Protection Policy, 'Personal Data' refers to any data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified (a) from that data; or (b) from that data and other information to which we have or are likely to have access, including data in our records as may be updated from time to time.
Examples of such Personal Data you may provide to us include (depending on the nature of your interaction with us) your name, NRIC, passport or other identification number, telephone number(s), mailing address, email address, transactional data and any other information relating to any individuals which you have provided us in any forms you may have submitted to us (including in the form of biometric data), or via other forms of interaction with you.
Generally, we collect Personal Data in the following ways:
When you browse our website and platforms, you generally do so anonymously but please see the section below on cookies. We do not, at our website and platforms, automatically collect Personal Data, including your email address unless you provide such information or login with your account credentials.
If you provide us with any Personal Data relating to a third party (for example, information of your spouse, children, parents, or a Connected Person), by submitting such information to us, you represent to us that you have obtained the consent of the third party to you providing us with his/her Personal Data for the respective purposes.
'Connected Person' may include but is not limited to any beneficial owner, authorised signatory, director, shareholder, officer of a company, partner or member of a partnership, settlor, trustee, beneficial owner, protector or grantor of trust, mandate holder, power of attorney holder, surety, third party security provider, provider of funds, founder and/or employee, payee of designated payment, representatives, agents or nominees.
You should ensure that all Personal Data submitted to us is complete, accurate, true and correct. Failure on your part to do so may result in our inability to provide you with products and services you have requested. You agree to inform BOS immediately of any change of facts or circumstances which may render any information or Personal Data previously provided inaccurate, untrue or incorrect and provide any information or documentation as BOS may reasonably require for the purposes of verifying the accuracy of the updated information or Personal Data.
Generally, BOS collects, uses and discloses your Personal Data for the following purposes:
These purposes may also apply even if you do not maintain any accounts with us, or have terminated these accounts.
In addition, BOS collects, uses and discloses your Personal Data for the following purposes depending on the nature of our relationship:
In addition, where permitted under the Act, BOS may also collect, use and disclose your Personal Data for the following purposes (which we may describe in our documents and agreements as 'Additional Purposes' for the handling of Personal Data):
If you have provided your Singapore telephone number(s) and have indicated that you consent to receiving marketing or promotional information via your Singapore telephone number(s), then from time to time, BOS may contact you using such Singapore telephone number(s) (including via voice calls, text , fax or other means) with information about our products and services (including discounts and special offers).
In relation to particular products or services or in your interactions with us, we may also have specifically notified you of other purposes for which we collect, use or disclose your Personal Data. If so, we will collect, use and disclose your Personal Data for these additional purposes as well, unless we have specifically notified you otherwise.
BOS will take reasonable steps to protect your Personal Data against unauthorised disclosure. Subject to the provisions of any applicable law, your Personal Data may be provided, for the purposes listed above (where applicable), to the following entities or parties, whether they are located overseas or in Singapore:
If you:
Email: | dpo.sg@BOSTrustee.com |
Call: | +65 6818 6478 |
Write in: | Data Protection Officer Data Protection & Governance Office BOS Trustee Limited 63 Market Street #14-00 Bank of Singapore Centre Singapore 048942 |
Please note that if your Personal Data has been provided to us by a third party (e.g. The Central Depository Pte Ltd), you should contact such party directly to make any queries, feedback, and access and correction requests to BOSTL on your behalf.
If you withdraw your consent to any or all use of your Personal Data, depending on the nature of your request, BOSTL may not be in a position to continue to provide its Services to you, administer any contractual relationship in place, may also result in the termination of any agreements with BOSTL, and your being in breach of your contractual obligations or undertakings, and BOSTL’s legal rights and remedies in such event are expressly reserved.
This Data Protection Policy and your use of this website shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Singapore.
This NextGen Community Data Protection Notice (“Notice”) sets out the basis which Bank of Singapore Limited (“we”, “us”, or “our”) may collect, use, disclose or otherwise process personal data of our NextGen members in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”). This Notice applies to personal data in our possession or under our control, including personal data in the possession of organisations which we have engaged to collect, use, disclose or process personal data for our purposes.
“member” means an individual who (a) has contacted us through any means to find out more about any products or services we provide, or (b) may have, or has, entered into a contract with us for the supply of any products or services by us; and
“personal data” means data, whether true or not, about a member who can be identified: (a) from that data; or (b) from that data and other information to which we have or are likely to have access.
Last updated on 07 June 2024.