Investment basics

Gold revisited

16 August 2024 • 7 mins read

Source: AFP 

  • Our study of regime investing shows that gold works best at buffering portfolios in an inflationary environment while it does least well in a “Goldilocks” setting.
  • Gold has played a key role as a mainstay allocation in a well-diversified portfolio, especially given a higher resting heartrate for inflation in an increasingly fragmented world.

Much has been written about gold's diversifying properties, underpinned by its overall low correlation with flagship asset classes, especially equities. While this is a benefit, we contend gold’s main contribution to asset allocation is in insulating portfolios from equity drawdown risk, and buffering portfolios in low growth, high inflation (so-called “stagflationary“) macro environments, where most asset classes face significant return headwinds.

Exhibit 1: Gold’s return correlation with various asset classes (monthly data, June 2003-June 2024)

Source: Bloomberg, Bank of Singapore.

To assess gold’s role in safeguarding against these risks, we present three short investigations. First, we inspect gold’s behaviour during equity drawdowns (using the US S&P 500 Index as a proxy). Second, we examine how gold insulates the performance of a standard 60% equities/40% bonds portfolio during previous stagflationary historical scenarios, especially compared to cash. And third, we review gold’s performance across different macroeconomic combinations of Developed Markets (DM) growth and inflation regimes.

The conclusions from these short studies affirm our recommendation to maintain a strategic allocation to gold in our baseline environment of higher inflation and growth uncertainty over the longer term. We close by briefly describing the halcyon environments where gold makes limited sense as a core holding in portfolios and describe why we think such conditions are less likely over the longer term.

Gold and equity drawdowns

We review the behaviour of gold since 1970, right before major currencies abandoned the gold standard, hence freeing gold prices to be determined by market drivers. Since 1970, the S&P 500 Index has experienced eight drawdowns, which we define as peak to trough corrections worse than -15% using monthly data.

Exhibit 2: S&P 500 Index drawdowns (shaded areas), gold and S&P 500 Index levels (natural log)

Source: Bloomberg, Bank of Singapore.

On average, these drawdowns lasted 13 months, with the S&P 500 Index declining by 35%. There are marked variations in these episodes. Notably, the longest drawdown persisted for 25 months, coinciding with the bursting of the dot-com bubble at the turn of the millennium. The S&P 500 Index fell 46% over that two plus years’ time frame. The Global Financial Crisis marked the deepest drawdown, with the S&P 500 Index shrinking by half in 16 months. In virtually all drawdown episodes, gold glitters and buffers the equity downdraft, returning just under 20% on average, compared to US Treasuries (UST) returns of 9%. On average during US equity drawdowns, the USD strengthens, which reflects its defensive properties during risk-off events.

Only in two S&P 500 Index drawdown episodes did gold post negative returns. The first instance was in the early 1980s. After a meteoric run catalysed by geopolitical tensions in Afghanistan and Iran, runaway inflation and a weaker USD, gold collapsed as the US Federal Reserve (Fed) hiked rates by 700bps to rein in inflation which had climbed 800bps from 6.5% in 1978 to surpass 14.5% by March 1980. Even with tighter monetary policy, interest rates across the curve remained elevated despite inflation moving lower. Inflation-adjusted rates (so-called "real yields") widened by over 550bps and posed a major headwind to gold prices.

More recently, the 2022 correction in equities, set off by tighter monetary policy to combat the post-Covid spike in inflation, was also accompanied by negative performance in gold (as well as in USTs). In both instances, meaningfully higher real yields were a headwind to gold's ability to protect against equity downside. As we have noted, gold prices have historically exhibited an inverse correlation with real yields. This is especially the case when real yields are low or negative, indicating that inflation-adjusted returns on fixed income investments are meagre or eroded by inflation, thereby enticing investors to seek alternative stores of value, such as gold.

Exhibit 3: S&P 500 Index drawdowns, gold, UST and USD returns, change in 10Y UST real yields

Source: Bloomberg, Bank of Singapore.

Gold and 60/40 portfolios

The earlier discussion demonstrates gold's resilient performance during equity downdrafts; we next broaden our analysis to examine how allocating to gold in portfolios can act as a buffer to so-called "macroeconomic tail scenarios", in other words, low probability but deeply negative return scenarios triggered by the macroeconomic cycle. Specifically, we show how a small allocation to gold helps insulate a conventional 60/40 portfolio from stagflation episodes. Why focus on stagflation? Stagflation is characterised by slow or negative growth and high unemployment, alongside high inflation. Policymakers find this combination challenging to manage, as attempting to mitigate inflation hurts growth while bolstering growth can aggravate inflation. Not surprisingly, most asset classes perform poorly during episodes of stagflation due to headwinds to revenues from a fall-off in demand, pressure on margins additionally wrought by inflation, spikes in default rates from slower growth and refinancing risk, and overall macro and policy uncertainty markets naturally dislike.

There are few cases in modern times, but the 1974 global stagflation is the canonical example. This episode was characterised by a deep and prolonged recession (lasting 16 months in the US from November 1973 to March 1975), intractably high unemployment (2.3 million jobs in the US were lost during the recession; at the time, a post-war record), and pervasive double-digit inflation. What caused this remains debated, but the consensus is that OPEC's oil embargo which sent oil prices tripling overnight, the move away from (albeit unsustainable) fixed exchange rates, ballooning war-economy fiscal deficits, and overly accommodative monetary policy were among the primary contributors.

A portfolio concentrated in equities would have lost 26%. A balanced portfolio weighted 60% in equities and 40% in bonds would have lost roughly 20%. Bonds served as a significant buffer to the equity loss, narrowing the loss by 600bps.

Converting the 40% bond exposure into a mix of 35% bonds and 5% cash would have lost 19.4%. In other words, adding a 5% cash cushion (funded from bonds) would have provided roughly 50bps of performance buffer to the balanced portfolio.

If instead the 40% bond exposure is pivoted to 35% bonds and 5% gold, the overall portfolio would have lost 16.8%. Hence, a modest gold exposure of 5% would have saved the balanced portfolio over 300bps in performance. This shows that gold in stagflation would have been a more effective buffer than raising cash.

But "Goldilocks" is bad for gold

In strong contrast, gold underperforms US stocks and bonds in high growth/low inflation environments. Gold also does least well in this environment compared to other regimes. Episodes of strong growth and low inflation are termed "Goldilocks" for a reason: this ideal combination bolsters return performance across asset classes - except for gold. In the last 50 years, a Goldilocks setting has prevailed for long expanses of time, specifically during the 1980s and 1990s. During these two decades, macroeconomic stabilisation early in the 1980s succeeded in containing inflation and anchoring inflation expectations, paving the way for sustained economic growth. This paradigm continued into the 1990s, facilitated by tech-enabled productivity gains and globalisation. Despite political shocks arising from Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and the Gulf war in the early 1990s, the inflationary and growth impact on the economy was short-lived. For the better part of the 1980s and 1990s, Goldilocks flourished, as did stocks and bonds, while gold was in stasis.

Going forward, we think that the longer term holds limited promise for the high growth/low inflation paradigm that has historically derailed gold performance. Globalisation was a powerful deflationary force and overlapped beautifully with China’s demographic dividend for three decades. That phase is now behind us. Deflation risk is gone, even in Japan.

Instead, we envision a higher resting heart rate for inflation, with inflation likely to settle above central banks’ 2% target on average for the rest of the decade (2024 Supertrends: World In Transition). Investors face a new, increasingly fragmented world following the shocks of the Covid-19 pandemic, Russia’s war with Ukraine, the rise of populism globally and US’ rivalry with China. Inflation is set to be higher in the 2020s as governments raise spending on defence, healthcare, climate change and inequality reduction while firms reshape supply chains to be more resilient to shocks.

Investors have traditionally included gold in their portfolios to shield against negative shocks to wealth from market downturns and adverse macro outcomes. We observe from these short event studies that this approach has been wholly appropriate. We think gold continues to play a foundational role as a core risk mitigant in investors' portfolios.

Gold is set to retain its shine

Our broad view of gold coming into this year has been constructive. So far this year, the strength of gold has humbled equities and fixed income.

With gold being a zero-yielding long duration asset, US real, or inflation-adjusted, interest rate is the opportunity cost of holding gold and hence a key macro driver of the yellow metal.

Exhibit 4: US real yields and gold

Source: Bloomberg, Bank of Singapore.

From a historical perspective, we are approaching the commencement of Fed rate cutting cycles where precious metals tend to perform well. The rally has been prompted by expectations of Fed rate cuts, which brough Western capital back into the gold market. Western exchange-traded fund (ETF) demand has started to gain positive momentum since late 2Q24 after a long period of decline.

Exhibit 5: Gold ETF holdings and price

Source: Bloomberg, Bank of Singapore.

The financial markets appear to be pricing in substantial Fed rate cuts of close to 100bps for the remainder of the year after the July employment report sparked a US recession scare. The bar for more aggressive Fed easing than what is already priced is therefore high in our view. We think the Fed will stick to first a 25bps rate cut next month and only ease more if August’s data is also weak. The Fed may cut again by 25bps in November as insurance against recession but if inflation stays sticky, we think the Fed will wait until December. Thus, we keep our view of two 25bps rate cuts in 2024. We expect some bounce in gold when rate cuts materialise but we believe gold prices already largely reflect the steep rate cuts this and the next year.

Gold as a hedge against financial and geopolitical shocks

There is a limit to how much the market can price in a more dovish Fed. But structurally bullish factors, which have driven up gold prices despite sharp increases in US interest rates and the USD over the past three years, point to scope for further gold upside. All these factors – which include US fiscal deficit concerns, central bank reserve diversification and Asian consumer demand – are likely to persist regardless of the US election outcome in November but could be magnified by potential policy shifts under a Trump 2.0 scenario. Under this scenario, gold could be higher along with upward pressure on US rates and the USD as all these markets concurrently price in much more intense US fiscal, inflationary and protectionism concerns.

First, Emerging Markets (EM) central banks have stepped up gold buying after the US weaponised the USD in its sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine in 2022. EM central banks like Turkey, India, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Jordan, Iraq, Libya, Poland and the Czech Republic have led the charge among buyers, but China stands out as the main driving force. Its holdings now stand at 72.8m troy oz tonnes as of July 2024 and represent about 5% of its international reserves.

Despite a halt in China’s reported purchases since May after 18 months of gold purchases starting in November 2022, we believe that EM central banks, including China, will likely continue to frequently buy gold. We do not anticipate a change around central bank reserve diversification into gold.

Despite a record-high gold price and easing near-term inflation fears, the World Gold Council’s 2024 Central bank Gold Reserves Survey showed that 29% of the 69 central banks polled intend to increase their gold holdings in the next 12 months, up from 24% in 2023’s survey. EM central banks buy gold as a hedge against geopolitical and financial shocks. On the financial front, factors cited include ‘inflation hedge’ and ‘performance during times of crisis’ while geopolitical factors include ‘geopolitical diversification’, ‘lack of political risk’ and ‘sanction concerns’.

Second, retail buying of physical gold in China has increased as returns from property and stock market investments disappoint, and deposit rates remain low. CNY depreciation concerns could have also boosted retail buying earlier although the demand picture in China is weaker at the moment due to gold price sensitivity and recent price surges. Household demand has been similarly soft in India for now but the cut to gold import taxes should help boost demand. The reduction from 15% to 6% brings import duties to the lowest level since May 2013.

Third, renewed focus on fiscal deficits and rising debt-to-GDP ratios in the US ahead of the presidential elections in November can be seen as another feature of brewing structural fear, with a positive influence on gold buying. The Congressional Budget Office’s latest projections showed the US debt-to-GDP ratio surpassing the World War II record debt-to-GDP ratio of 106% in 2027 should current policies be maintained.

Exhibit 6: US public debt and gold  

Source: Bloomberg, Bank of Singapore.

What could end the gold rush

Gold’s outlook could dim if there is a peaceful resolution to the ongoing tensions in the Middle East and Russia-Ukraine, and the associated sanctions risk ebbs. EM central banks gold buying could slow.

Second, easing China growth concerns, likely tied to significantly greater property policy support than currently, could reduce retail gold appetite.

Third, a weaker scenario for gold could pan out if the US economy reaccelerates and the Fed pivots quickly to a hawkish stance. Higher real interest rates would trigger the unwinding of gold holdings as the cost of carry becomes more expensive. But the potential for a combination of these developments panning out is low, which underpins our expectation on why the bull case for gold remains intact.

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Owi Ruivivar
Chief Portfolio Strategist
Sim Moh Siong
Commodity Strategist
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