
High inflation, strong SGD

14 October 2022 • 3 mins read
High inflation = Strong SGD

Source: AFP

  • MAS tightened FX policy by recentering the currency band at the prevailing level, but the slope and width of the band were left unchanged.
  • The hurdle for another recentering is high but it is too soon to call an end to the tightening cycle.
  • Tough for SGD to dethrone King USD for now as the hot US CPI is set to keep the Fed hawkish. But Prince SGD should continue to outperform most other currencies.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) tightened FX policy by recentering the currency band at the prevailing level (2% increase), but the slope and width of the band were left unchanged. This was in our expectation (Read the report) although market predictions on the outcome had been divided, with some expecting the slope to be steepened as well.

MAS continues the fight against inflation via third re-centring of 2022

Bank of Singapore SGD NEER Est

Source: Bloomberg, Bank of Singapore.

This is the fifth tightening move and the third recentering since October 2021. Recentering without a slope change seeks to strike a balance between upside inflation risks amid concerns over external downside growth risks. There has also been a tightening in monetary conditions via higher domestic interest rates, due to spillover from the aggressive rate hikes by the Federal Reserve (Fed). The higher domestic interest rate is feeding through into mortgage rates, which will act to slow domestic demand.

The MAS expects that core inflation this year will come in around 4% before easing to 2.5-3.5% next year and 3.5-4.5% if the one percentage point Goods and Services Tax adjustment to 8% on 1 January 2023 is included. Upside inflation risk stems from accumulated cost pressures and still-tight labor markets.

The ongoing theme of services sector resilience amid a softening goods sector is evident from Singapore’s 3Q GDP, which grew 4.4% YoY, more than the consensus of 3.5%. Manufacturing output contracted sequentially but the relaxation of domestic social distancing measures and international travel restrictions supported a healthy expansion in services activity. However, MAS expects growth to slow below trend in 2023 as global growth and tech exports slow amid high inflation and tighter policy settings globally, as well as a fading reopening boost.

As growth risks intensify and with MAS inflation forecast bands for 2023 setting a bigger hurdle for upside surprises going forward, further FX policy tightening will be a closer call. The hurdle for another recentering is high but it is too soon to call an end to the tightening cycle. Inflation could stay elevated as oil prices rebounded after OPEC+ announced a 2mbd output cut for Nov/Dec and amid rising residential rents.

It would be tough for the SGD to dethrone King USD for now given a still-hawkish Fed. The hot September US CPI reinforces our expectation for another 75bp move at the November meeting. The market is now pricing a sizable chance for a 75bp move in December as well. Hot CPI is set to keep the USD well supported into year-end. A turning point for the overvalued USD against the SGD will come at some stage. But this may be more a story for 2023 than for the next three months. Potential catalysts that could trigger a reversal of USD uptrend include: (1) Fed pause/cut, (2) an end to China’s zero-Covid policy, (3) European joint bond issuance, (4) UK fiscal U-turn, and (4) Bank of Japan abandons its dovishness.

But Prince SGD should continue to outperform most other currencies like the EUR, GBP, MYR, JPY and CNY into the year-end even though the SGD is now hovering around an all-time high against the EUR, GBP, JPY and MYR.

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Sim Moh Siong
Commodity Strategist
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