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Commercial real estate debt

Real Estate remains an attractive asset class and is well-liked for being tangible and identifiable where valuations are driven by fundamental data points such as location, demand & supply dynamics, asset types and tenants’ profile.

Commercial real estate (CRE) debt originated from an investable asset class that has been attracting fixed income investors who are seeking to increase yield or reduce volatility in their portfolio.

Hear from the veteran in the real estate industry, Dhaval Parikh, Managing Director, Product Management & Investor Relations, Real Estate, Ares Management LLC, as he shares his insights on investing in CRE debt:

• How can one invest in income generating properties, as a lender?

• What are the typical senior Real Estate loan covenants?

• The rights of a senior lender on foreclosure of properties.

• How does CRE debt compare with Listed Reits and Corporate bonds or even personal residential mortgages?

• Impact of rising interest rates on CRE lending.

• What are the typical borrower obligations associated with CRE debt?

• What are the typical fees a CRE borrower may be charged?

• Outlook and trends of the US real estate market.

Webinar date:
09 June 2021

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